Saturday, October 6, 2012

Do Something Nice Day

In honor of national Do Something Nice Day on Friday, we made a "nice cube" in class. Each side has a nice phrase that we will use each day in our classroom. Day one we rolled, "You can do it!" It was so cute to hear the kids motivating each other all day. Before our tests they would tell their neighbor "You can do it!" I was taking them to music, and I had my laptop and notebook in my hands when I realized I had to unlock the gate. So I've got my laptop between my knees and I am unlocking the gate and a little girl says, "You can do it Mrs. Nice!"I look at her and she has the biggest smile on her face.  I just started laughing. Then all the kids were chanting you can do it! They were too cute! Hope you did something nice yesterday!

Friday, September 28, 2012

Common Core

It is official... I am obsessed. I think the standards will make our students much better learners! Or, pardon me "College and Career Ready" :) I am just frustrated that our county thinks that all we need to do is assign the standards to our old learning schedule... No! I want to create my own learning schedule, but I am not sure I am up for the task.
One of the major ideas is that teachers are facilitators. I laughed at this last year and said next year, I will just be in the back of the classroom sipping my coffee while the kids teach. Well, it is amazing how well this class works together. We do a great deal of partner and group work and I love hearing the learning going on. The other day, I overheard one group say, "Don't bother Mrs. Nice, she is teaching a group. We can figure it out." I just smiled. It is a great thing.
I am glad today is Friday though! Are you?!?!? Hoping to spend Q.T. with my husband and not obsessing on creating a learning schedule!

Thursday, September 27, 2012


I hate watching TV this time of year... All of the election commercials and banter just drive me crazy! However, "kids say the darndest things" can come out of it. I was walking my kids back from lunch today and one of them says, "I'm Mitt Romney, and I approve this message." I laughed so hard. I think I may need to roll with this! Writing persuasive writing or persuading to read a book. It is not what we are supposed to be teaching right now (according to those who are not in a classroom, but feel they should tell us when and what to teach). Isn't this what a "teachable moment" is?!?!?
I'm Katy Nice, and I approve this message.
P.S. TGIF :)

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Student of the Month

Rather than selecting a student of the month this year, I am having the students do it. We have talked all month about being respectful (our character trait). Friday I read The Brand New Kid by Katie Couric and then I gave the students a ballot with who they think is the most respectful in class and why. The results were more than I imagined! Here are some of the results for our winner... "She will never be mean ever and she has very good manners." "She helps me on the computer. She helped me once when I tripped." She never yells. She is calm." The rest were just as adorable. I was worried they would have trouble this early in the year. But I was very impressed! Big congratulations to our winner! She deserved it according to her peers.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Having Fun!!!

Mars Spirit

We are learning how to be scientists is science. We talked about questions scientists ask. In our book it shows astronauts and asks us, "What questions might an astronaut ask about Mars?" My husband found this great video on You Tube How to Get to Mars. The kids LOVED it! They keep asking to watch it again! We love our new science curriculum!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

full moon?!?!?

We are using the CAST system to be "graded" again this year. Last year I was marked down on a couple of silly things. For example, My kids did not keep their own data... They are 7 years old!! Well I made a point for that  NOT happening again! I made them their own data books! They chart reading, writing, math and behavior. Well today was day one of having them try graphing their grades without my guidance for part of their morning work (we have done it twice together before today). YIKES! They definitely managed, but they were a bit crazy all morning! They talked the rest of the morning (You know how change in a routine goes). I got to lunch and another teacher asked if anyone else had a chatty class. YES! Thought there may have been a full moon... No such luck. A friend sent me an email with the moon's schedule. Waxing crescent!
On another note with the data books, I am having them bring it to our guided reading groups. They write the date, the book we are reading and there is a place for them to write something they learned. Our skill this week was Predicting and Inferring. We stopped in the middle to predict what would happen in their data book. MAN! You could really tell who got the skill and who didn't. It was a great teachable moment. I mean I was doing these data books to prove it to the man, but it really has helped me see where they are! I do recommend it!
Another moment that made me smile today was during guided reading as well. I had a a group playing "pick a stick" where they pick a stick with a word that has a multiple meaning and have to use it in two sentences correctly or or give both definitions. The one with the most sticks won. Well, the group (of four) got so loud... Go figure! I was reminding them to quiet down several times, but I could hear them and knew they were just discussing what the words meant. When it was time to clean up I overheard one say, "That game was so much fun!" Made me smile (felt a little bad for getting on to them, but I could barely hear my group!). Their excitement was really showing! I loved it!
I have such a great class which is the reason for this post about my chatty class today! I love moments when I can see their excitement, but also enjoy a little peace and quiet every now and then. ;)